Mission pic

Mission pic

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

New Year, New Assignment.....

So yesterday was Monday, and normally that means missionary mail, however, this week, just these words, 'Hey mom, I don't have time to explain this whole week, but it was good.'  He did reply in the affirmative that he was being transferred, but, didn't have time to talk.  According to the missions FB page this just a little of what 'a good week' means....

They had a visit from Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve. This is what the mission looks like when they are all together.....

^Anyone up for a game of  'Wheres Waldo', Elder Cox edition?

President Mullen, the Mission President has invited us to participate with the mission in reading the Book of Mormon in the next 6 weeks.  Challenge accepted at the Cox house and we invite each of you to join us in that!

At this time I haven no idea where he is being transferred to, will update all of you as soon as I have more info!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart. ~Phyllis Theroux

So I am looking for fun ideas of things to send to Mike, letter, packages..... and thought I would share a few of my favorites...... and advice that I have picked up and thought I would share with anyone who is writing to him, or thinking of writing to him.

Things to ask about

·           The work
·         Their schedule
·         The culture
·         Their  experiences
·         Who are they teaching?
·         When they tell you about an investigator, follow up and ask about them

Things to share

·         Insights you’ve gained in the scriptures, seminary or Church lessons
·         Testimony building experiences you’ve had
·         News about mutual friends who are also serving missions
Things to avoid

·         Asking how many baptisms they have had
·         Don’t complain or criticize  if  they have not written back to you
·         Mentioning problems that arise at home.  There are some problems they should know about, but many that would only distract or worry them unnecessarily
Good things in small packages

·         Missionaries love receiving thoughtful packages but make sure to honor the guidelines of their mission
·         Remember to keep your  gifts simple.  Include an extra item for their companion

Messages from Family and Friends

·         Tell them the important things that are happening in your life with school, family, and the gospel.
·         Encouraging, friendly, non-romantic letters
·         You can help them focus on the work of the Lord with uplifting letters and reassurance that they are where they need to be.

·         Avoid gossip stories or what party you went to last week
·         Do not write “I love you”  “I miss you”  “I can’t wait to see you again"..this is very distracting.
·         Avoid romantic allusions

so now, on to the 'fun' stuff!!!

"Open When..." Letters!
If you don't know what Open When letters are they are letters you write ahead of time and label then "Open When..... (fill in occasion)"
A couple of my ideas were:
-you are sick
-need encouragement
-the weather is bad
-you are home sick
-miss me
-you need a pump of patriotism
-you need to be uplifted
-you get a baptism
-you need a good laugh
-you have 6 months left
-its the last day of your mission

The only question will be if he can be disciplined enough to not open them all at once!!!!
and I am going to put mine in homemade envelopes! 

Setting this up at our house what a great idea!

Blow up a balloon, write your letter in marker, deflate, pop in mail, voila!

Send a small package in a soda pop bottle, I have the how to's if you like, or check out the missionary board on pinterest!

Write your letter on the back of a small puzzle, take it apart and send it off, great activity for a p-day

New year, new start.....and things to share with you!

We got to hear him singing Christmas carols with his zone, that was a fun treat!  We also got to talk him on Christmas day, while I loved every second of it, I missed him terribly for the next few days.

 Just an FYI for you future missionary moms, the call is a bitter-sweet blessing.. 
But look at that smile!  He is so happy to be there, and is working hard!

The following pictures are from a zone conference November 2013

Dad I thought you would especially enjoy this one, notice his mouth....

Monday, October 21, 2013

Happy Birthday to Mike, tomorrow!!!  He just found out that he is getting transferred  and while I know how much he loves the people he has worked with and served, I am so excited for the new adventures that await him.  

So Potlatch Idaho, personally I have never heard of it before so here is the results of my initial google-ing:
Potlatch is roughly 75 miles south of Spokane, just north of Moscow, Idaho.  
  • Potlatch is a city in Latah County, Idaho, United States, located about 6 miles east of the Idaho-Washington state border, in the north central part of the state. Wikipedia
  • Area274 acres (111 ha) Population812 (2012)

    Population 812, 812!  That makes it smaller than Parowan, so from the big city to the small town, he should feel right at home, can't wait to here all about next week!  This is a copy of his email, so please don't blame for the spelling, grammatical  and other errors that may, or may not exist in the following:

  • OK DOKAY soooo. i leave for Troy and Potlatch Idaho i leave tomorrow at like 8:30. so well this week was pretty slow and i forgot my planner to tell you all what happened specifically.  the missionary shirt idea is doing really well here and i am sad that i cant see it grow to it's full potential. Momma gave me another lavalava and a hawaii towel and a cool necklace. i am  going to go say goodbye to all my peeps and then for my B-day i leave Moran Prairie. my new comp is Elder Bobo. i havent met him yet but i heard that this was his last transfer. i love you all and as of this day there are only 19 1/2 months. ill see you all then love ya.
    Elder Cox

    Oh and a word of caution to the people of Idaho, Mikes new area is a car one, so he will be behind the wheel of a car, and hopefully walking. A lot.